Memories are what we live for. But what if we lose our memories? Where does it lead us? Dementia, a problem of the future, or rather a problem we all may suffer from sooner or later. Do memories also cover abusers? How do you deal with your abusers? Let's find a super cop to handle them.
The super cop tries out new methods to deal with the abusers. How about seeking help from Mother Nature? Would Mother Nature turn angry? Every coin has two faces, and the same goes for a product. The two sides are fake and real. How far can things turn fake? As far as fake communities and artificial blood.
Anything before entering the market goes through rounds of trials and errors. Medicines also undergo the same process. Clinical trials also involve testing on humans, with individuals volunteering for it. But what happens behind the scenes? Who might be the new group of culprits.
Let your minds run wild. Hold onto your temper and witness the horror unravel!
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